Advanced Concept Search

Advanced Concept Search

To conduct an advanced search in Daylight 

There are several ways you can use advanced concept search in Daylight. Read below for a high-level overview, or click the links to view more detailed instructions.

It’s easy to use Advanced Concept Search. A search process might look something like this: 

Toggle Advanced Concept Search on or off: 

  • Open the Settings page from the dropdown carat next to Projects in the top ribbon. Use the toggle at the bottom of the User profile tab to switch Advanced Concept Search on or off. Click Save changes when you’re done with your selection.

  • If you don’t see this option, Advanced Concept Search is your only method of searching.

Search a single concept in Daylight:

  • Enter a concept like “coffee” into the search bar. View conceptual and exact matches for this concept. These results are the same as before, with or without Advanced Concept Search. 

To include multiple concepts in a search: 

  • Enter a concept like “coffee” into the search bar followed by a comma “,”. Add another concept, like “tea.” View full match results for each of the concepts. 

Exclude a concept from a search: 

  • Add another comma after “coffee, tea” and enter a minus sign “-” followed by a concept, like “-latte.” Press enter. Now, search results include all match results for “coffee” or “tea” that don’t include “latte.” 

Save a search as an advanced concept:

  • In the Concept details pane, click +Save concept. The search saves as an advanced concept and appears above the search bar. Update the concept’s label, since it originally saves with the search terms as its label. 

Edit an advanced concept:

  • Search for the advanced concept’s label in the Concept details pane or select it from Saved concepts in the Galaxy. The advanced concept appears in the Concept details panel. Click the edit icon next to the concept label. The Edit saved concept flyout opens. Use the options in the flyout to edit the advanced concept. 

Advanced Concept Search webinar

Watch Luminoso’s Director of Product Management, Michelle Rowe, discuss how Advanced Concept Search works and give a demo of the functionality.

Access the webinar here.

Toggle advanced concept search on or off

With this release, Advanced Concept Search is automatically accessible to all Daylight users. 

  • If you became a Daylight user after May 23, 2020, Advanced Concept Search is always enabled for you, and you do not have access to this toggle. 

For all existing Daylight users, Advanced Concept Search means you can create and save advanced searches, and that all your previous compound concepts are automatically converted into advanced concepts. To turn the feature off and view previous concept styles, you need to change a toggle in the Settings page. 

  1. Click the dropdown carat next Projects in the top ribbon and select Settings from the menu.

    The User profile tab opens.

  2. Use the toggle at the bottom of the page to switch Advanced Concept Search on or off. Click Save changes when you’re done with your selection. Your selection saves. 

Search a single concept in Daylight

  1. Make sure you are logged in to Daylight and viewing a project. 

  2. Open an analysis feature (Volume, Sentiment, Drivers, or Galaxy). 

  3. Type a concept in the Selected concept search bar in the Concept details pane. Autosuggest options appear that match the text you entered.
    Tip: Autosuggest can be a helpful way to know what is a valid concept in your project. Sometimes, words that you expect to go together as a concept don’t because of the context in your specific project, so autosuggest is a good way to see what terms Daylight identified as concepts.   

  4. Press enter to start searching. For this example, we’ll imagine you searched “coffee.” The concept’s match information appears in the Concept details pane and analysis features.

  5. Expand Exact matches to view exact match information for the concept. 

  6. Expand Conceptual matches to view conceptual match information for the concept. 

Include multiple concepts in a search

  1. After entering at least one search term, like “coffee” in the previous example, type a comma.

  2. Add a second concept. In this example, the search now reads “coffee, tea.” Daylight interprets this search as “coffee OR tea” and displays information matching either concept in the Concept details pane and the analysis feature.

  3. Expand Exact matches to view exact match information for each included concept, “coffee” and “tea” in the example.

  4. Expand Conceptual matches to view up to 20 conceptual matches for each concept included in a search. Some concepts may be conceptual matches for multiple search terms. Hover over a concept to view its conceptual matches. Here, “latte” is a conceptual match for coffee and tea. 

Exclude a concept from your search

  1. Add a comma after the last concept you entered (tea, in our example).

  2. Type a minus sign “-” followed by the name of the concept you want to exclude. Your search now looks like “coffee, tea, -vanilla.” Daylight interprets this search as “coffee OR tea NOT vanilla” and displays information that matches “coffee” or “tea” but does not include “vanilla” in the Concept details pane and the analysis feature.

  3. Expand Excluded matches to view match information for any concepts you excluded from the search (“vanilla” in our example). Excluding concepts only excludes documents that contained exact matches for that concept, not conceptual matches.

Save a search as an advanced concept

  1. Make sure you have entered at least two search terms in the Concept details pane. We’ll imagine you already entered “coffee, tea, -vanilla” from the previous example.

  2. Click + Save concept. Your search saves as an advanced concept and appears above the search bar with a randomly assigned color.
    Tip: We recommend editing the advanced concept’s label immediately to avoid confusion. 

Edit an advanced concept

  1. Search for the advanced concept’s label in the Selected concept search bar in the Concept details pane or select it from Saved concepts in the Galaxy.  

  2. Next to the concept’s label, click the edit icon. The Edit saved concept flyout opens.

  3. Use the options in the flyout to:

    1. Rename the concept’s label

    2. Add additional concepts like “hot”

    3. Remove additional concepts like “-iced”

    4. Update the color on the saved concept




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