Daylight | On-Site v.1.8 | 2019-05

Daylight | On-Site v.1.8 | 2019-05

New Features

  • BETA Create projects with Polish documents (Learn More)

  • Concept Details

    • Auto suggestions while searching (Learn More)

    • Match count breakdown (Learn More)

  • Download & Share

    • Export match counts by date ranges (Learn More)

    • Sharing project details (Learn More)

  • Score Drivers

    • Zoom In (Learn More)

    • Filtering (Learn More)

    • Compound concepts (Learn More)

    • Download impact scores (Learn More)

  • API Endpoints

    • Improved v5 science endpoints replace v4  in next On-site v1.9 (Learn More)

    • Add the term_id for each term returned from  API endpoint Get terms (Learn More)

    • Add account filtering to the List projects API endpoint (Learn More)


  • Project counts by account (Learn More)

  • Filters: numeric or score fields with fewer than 20 values are represented as checkbox options

  • Clarified the relationship between a new concept search and displayed concept details (Learn More)

  • Matching Documents: “Read more” link expands in place (Learn More)

  • Easily copy API tokens to the clipboard


  • Consistently use the term “concept” instead of “topic”

  • The user provisioning email only lists supported browsers (e.g. Chrome)

  • Projects List: accounts without projects will still show in the account list

  • Export: If a verbatim contains only the phrase that is an exact or conceptual match, the verbatim will now display in the downloaded spreadsheet

Learn More

Polish Documents (BETA)

Daylight now natively supports documents in the Polish language. "Świetnie!" You will now see Polish as an additional option in the language dropdown in the “create a new project” section.

Auto suggestions while searching

Concept searching is easier than ever before with auto suggestions as you type.

Match count breakdown

Luminoso’s science uncovers the power of a concept through both its exact and conceptual matches in your documents.  With the new match count breakdown feature, explore the counts and percentages to better understand the prevalence of this concept within your project.

Export match counts by date ranges

When exporting the “Match Counts” report, you can now choose to add a breakdown by date, and select from one of the available time steps.

Sharing project details

We’ve added a share button above the concept details pane which copies persistent project URLs to your clipboard. Now you can easily share an entire project, including setup, filters, and concept selections with other users.

Score Drivers: Zoom in

Want to have a better look at score drivers that are close together on the scatterplot? Use the new Zoom feature, and return the view to normal via the Reset button below the scatterplot.

Score Drivers: Filtering

Score Drivers correlates your text data with quantitative data to show which key concepts most impact ratings. We’ve added a filter panel to the tool so you can view impact scores by predetermined attributes you include, such as region or cohort. With this capability, it’s now much easier to understand differences between groups based on score.

Score Drivers: Compound concepts

Compound Concepts are user-defined similar concepts that allow you to more easily interpret your analysis results. For example, a user working with a travel or hospitality dataset may define luggagebaggagesuitcase, and bag as a Compound Concept called “luggage”. Now included in Score Drivers, the ability to define Compound Concepts allow you to view more accurate results when interpreting your impact scores.

Score Drivers: Download impact scores

Take Score Drivers impact scores with you, via the new Download XLSX feature. Each concept is provided with its associated impact score, match count breakdowns, and up to three verbatims from your documents.

Improved v5 science endpoints replace v4 in next On-site v1.9

The v5 API launched in Spring 2018. Improvements include result set organization and the new science of score drivers. We are starting the process of sunsetting the v4 API.  

The v4 API will be sunset, with the exception of endpoints for user and account management in the next On-site release v1.9 in Q3 of 2019.

Before upgrading to On-site v1.9 we will want you to:

  • Transition  to use the new V5 API endpoints

  • Reach out to support@luminoso.com if assistance is needed

Add the Term ID for each Term returned from API endpoint Get Terms

Return the term_id for each project term returned by the Get terms endpoint. Read more about the Get terms endpoint in the full API documentation.

Add account filtering to the List Projects API endpoint

The List projects endpoint now takes an optional account_id argument to filter the list of projects returned. Read more about the List projects endpoint in the API documentation.

Projects List: Project counts by account

On the Projects List, the account dropdown displays the number of projects in each account. Depending on the user’s permissions, they may see a lower number associated with “All accounts” than an administrator would. Each project in the list now displays its associated account name.

Clarified the relationship between a new concept search and displayed concept details

When a new concept is typed into the Concept Search box, the Concept Details panel grays out to properly convey that the results displayed may no longer match the current search.

Matching Documents: “Read more” link expands in place

Where a matching document offers more content than is currently displayed, a “Read more” link appears. For a faster reading experience, the content will now be expanded in-place.


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