Daylight | On-Site v.2.1 | 2019-11-30
On-site packaging and management
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New premium feature
New feature
Science Update
Drivers: Renamed feature export column headings
Concept details pane: Filter documents by exact or conceptual matches
Concept details pane: Filter documents by positive or negative sentiment
API: Introduced legacy_term_format as an optional parameter for the Vectorize text endpoint
API: Introduced match_type as an optional parameter for the Get documents endpoint
API: Sentiment endpoint is now available (Learn more in our API documentation)
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Account Management: Usernames are no longer case-sensitive
With this release, all Luminoso usernames are not case-sensitive. Now, when a user logs in, it doesn’t matter what capitalization was used when their username was created. Users can log in to Daylight using all lowercase, all uppercase, or a combination of cases.
Drivers: Trend Analysis
The core Drivers feature combines unstructured text data with numeric ratings to uncover what drives scores that people assign to your products, services, and offerings. As a premium offering, Daylight users may now examine how these drivers change over time using comparative scatterplots.
Use this new premium feature to:
Discover directional changes in drivers over time
Compare period over period, or year over year
Decide exactly which concepts to visualize for easy comparison
Consult a concept list with key metrics
To compare scores over time
Open Daylight and select the Drivers feature.
Select a field from the Select a score field menu.
Choose Autosuggest or Saved concepts from the Which concepts to visualize section. Autosuggest provides concepts that strongly influence your score.
Click Select date field to compare periods and select the desired date field from the menu. The visualization splits into two scatterplots. The top scatterplot automatically displays the full date range for the filter you applied.
Refine the date range in the top scatterplot to a narrow interval. The bottom scatterplot responds and displays the previous period or year over year. Each scatterplot displays the most relevant autosuggested or saved concepts for that period of time.
To view different concepts in the visualization:
Make sure the Drivers visualization is showing the dates you want to see, and that you’ve selected either Autosuggest or Saved Concepts.
Click Concepts (Above) or Concepts (Below) to edit the concepts you view in each scatterplot. The maximum of concepts you can view in the scatterplot is 15, to optimize scatterplot density.
Quick select the top 5, 10, or 15 concepts (based on current sort order). The number you select is the number of concepts you see in the visualization.
Order concepts by Concepts, Total Matches, Average score, or Absolute difference. This order affects which concepts appear in your top 5, 10, or 15 concepts.
Click Deselect all to deselect all concepts.
Click the view iconin a concept row to select or deselect a specific concept.
In Concepts (Below), toggle on Same concepts as top scatterplot to match the concepts that appear in the bottom scatterplot to the concepts that appear in the top scatterplot. If a concept was not discussed during the previous period or year over year period, it does not appear in the bottom scatterplot.
Hover or click on a concept to see a tip appear in one or both scatterplots.
If you share a direct URL to a project’s Drivers scatterplot, the URL reflects:
Any filters you selected
The score field you selected
Whether concepts are saved or autoselected
The top 15 concepts by absolute difference descending
Unique to This Filter concept selection feature
We’re excited to introduce the Unique to this filter concept selection feature. Using Unique to this filter, you can isolate segments within projects and find concepts that are unique to this segment, relative to the rest of the project. Access the new feature in Volume, Sentiment, and Drivers.
For example, if your project includes the entire United States, but you filter for only customers in California and apply Unique to this filter, you view the concepts that are uniquely relevant for California customers, compared to the other 49 states.
To access the Unique to this filter concept selection feature:
Open the Volume, Sentiment, or Drivers feature.
Select your preferred filters in the Filter documents pane.
Select Unique to this filter in the Configure volume visualization panel. The visualization updates to display concepts that are unique to your filter, relative to the rest of the project.
QuickLearn 2.0
In December, we’re releasing QuickLearn 2.0, the most significant update to Luminoso’s science to date. After its release, all new project updates or builds in Daylight will use QuickLearn 2.0. QuickLearn 2.0 provides enhanced conceptual matching for your projects.
For onsite users, QuickLearn 2.0 will be available as part of the February 2020 installation package.
Highlights: Updated Insights cards
With this release, we made some improvements to the Insights cards in the Highlights feature. These updates create better consistency across Daylight features, and provide clearer context on the visualizations:
The top 15 concepts that appear in the What issues are affecting my score? card in the Highlights feature now match the top 15 concepts in the Drivers feature.
The What issues are affecting my score? and Which concepts are most prevalent? cards on the Highlights page now display x-axis markings.
Volume: Clarified feature configuration options
With this release, we removed the Select concepts to compare, Sort order, and Break down by field menus that appeared at the top of the Volume feature. This change declutters the feature view and creates more space for exploring data.
Now, sort your concepts using the column headings. The new Configure volume visualization pane more clearly indicates the effect each configuration has on your visualization. Choose which concepts to visualize, how to count matching documents, and how to visualize concept volume.
Volume: Changes to default sorting
When you view the Volume feature, you now see concepts sorted by total matches (descending) by default. As part of this change, we removed the Choose sort order menu.
To adjust the way concepts are sorted, click the column headers to sort by ascending or descending order.
Sentiment: Improvements to Korean language
We’ve improved how Daylight processes Korean sentiment. The Sentiment feature now identifies thousands of additional sentiment-related concepts in Korean, giving you more accurate results.
Sentiment: Clarified feature configuration options
With this release, we removed the Select options and Sort order menus that appeared at the top of the Sentiment feature view. This change helps declutter the feature view and create more space for exploring data.
You can now sort using column headers or configure your options by sentiment suggestions, top concepts, and saved concepts in the Configure sentiment visualization pane at the left of the page.
Concept Details pane: Filter documents by exact or conceptual matches
You can now filter documents that appear in the Concept Details pane by exact or conceptual matches.
Log in to Daylight and select the Volume, Sentiment, Drivers, or Galaxy feature.
Select a concept. The concept appears in the Concept Details pane.
Click Top matches. Exact and conceptual matches are both automatically selected.
Click Exact or Conceptual to deselect that option. The related documents disappear, and only the currently selected option’s documents remain. To switch back, deselect the one you don’t want to view.
Scroll to read the documents that match your selection criteria.
Concept Details pane: Filter concepts by positive or negative sentiment
You can now filter documents that appear in the Concept Details pane by positive or negative sentiment.
Log in to Daylight and select the Volume, Sentiment, Drivers, or Galaxy feature.
Select a concept. The concept appears in the Concept Details pane.
Click Sentiment matches. Negative and positive sentiment are both automatically selected.
Click Negative or Positive to deselect that option. Now, only the currently selected option’s documents remain. To switch back, select both options and deselect the one you don’t want to view.
Scroll to read the documents that match your selection criteria.
Updated button look and feel
With this release, we updated and standardized the buttons in Daylight to ensure that Daylight continues to meet accessibility standards. This update also creates more consistency throughout the Daylight user interface. This change does not affect how you use the product.
API: Introduced legacy_term_format as an optional parameter for the Vectorize text endpoint (Learn more)
With this release, we added the optional parameter, legacy_term_format, into the API endpoint for vectorizing texts. The parameter still defaults to “true,” and returns the array format you’re used to, but now you can specify “false” and return modern object-style terms and fragments.
API: Introduced match_type as an optional parameter for the Get documents endpoint (Learn more)
With this release, we added an optional parameter, match_type, into the API endpoint for getting documents. Now, you can specify if you’re looking for exact or conceptual matches. If you don’t specify match_type, you receive both exact and conceptual matches by default.