Daylight | On-site v3.2 | 2021-03-04
New features
Current View Box
Improved Upload Page
Search: Advanced Concept Search becomes universal default
Sidebar: Tabs move to top of sidebar
Sidebar: Streamlined shared concept list layout
Sidebar: Improved layout for Configure visualization tab
Sidebar: Search details tab now sorts concepts by prevalence
Sidebar: Filters display more values
Drivers: Removed concept-by-concept selection for visible drivers
Drivers: Dots displayed using Active Concept colors
Project management: Completed build opens project immediately
Project management: Minor layout changes on Projects page
Highlights: Updated locations for project management buttons
Settings: Settings page now accessible only from the upper right corner
Settings: Updated organization of sidebar
Science: Improvements to sentiment calculation speed
API updates
API: Updates to Shared concept list endpoints
API: Formatting improvements for concept list names
Sentiment: The read more toggle no longer turns off if you scroll down or move your mouse away
Sentiment: Export option is no longer available for projects without sentiment analysis
Project management: Displays more accurate message when a filter is too small
Account management: Null is no longer treated as too short a password for SAML users
API: 500 error bug resolved
API Deprecations
API: v4 Token Management endpoints removed
API: v4 SAML endpoints removed
API: All v4 endpoints are now marked as deprecated
API: exact_only parameter removed
API Client: v4 API Client is no longer available
New Features
Current view box
With this release, we introduce a Viewing box at the top of the sidebar that contains information about what you’re currently viewing in Daylight. The Viewing box is visible no matter what tab you’re in, and displays the following information:
The total number of documents included in your filter selections, and what percentage of the project’s total documents that number is.
What shared concept list you’re viewing, if any.
Your selection in the Which concepts to visualize section (top concepts, active concepts, unique to this filter).
All filter selections you’ve made, if any.
When viewing Drivers, what score field and number of concepts are selected.
If you open a project that hasn’t yet been configured by a user, the Viewing box will only display three items:
Unshared changes
Top concepts (50)
No filter selected
As you begin your analysis, and make more filter selections and choices about how you want to view features, more items will appear in the box. Once there are more than three items, a Show more arrow appears that you can click to expand the box and view all information.
Click Show less to contract the box.
Project Management: Simplify data upload with a new Create Project page
We’ve released a new Create project page to make the data upload process easier and to reduce the amount of data formatting you need to do in Excel to prepare a file to upload. Below is a list of things that changed.
Document usage meter always visible
Previously, the usage meter at the top of the page was only displayed after a file was selected for upload. Now, the meter is displayed even before a file is selected.
Project info moved from left sidebar to top of page
The fields for project information, such as Project name and Language have been moved from a vertical area on the left to be across the top of the page.
Overview of instructions on page
A summary of instructions is displayed to serve as a quick reference. This is not new, but a reminder that drag and drop is supported here.
Data Summary panel
There is a scrollable vertical column of elements on the left representing the columns in the uploaded dataset. From here, you can designate the data type for each column. Previously, you had to format the column header in the source file to indicate the data type for each column. You will no longer need to do that. You can just select it from the drop down within each element. You can continue to indicate the data type in the column header if you prefer or already have a workflow set up to do that.
You will also be able to see information or a preview of how the data in each column will be handled by Daylight based on the data type selection. For metadata columns, you will see a preview of how the data will appear in the Filter.
Data Display panel
The main part of the page will display up to the first 100 rows of the uploaded dataset. You can refer to the data here as you’re going through the Data Summary panel to make the data type selections.
You can click and hover in both the Data Summary panel and Data Display panel to simplify navigation. Clicking on an element in the Data Summary panel will scroll the Data Display panel and highlight the corresponding column. Conversely, clicking on a column in the Data Display panel will scroll the Data Summary panel and highlight the corresponding element. Hovering behaves similarly, but only for already visible elements or columns - ie. things will not scroll on hover.
Errors and Warnings
A count of Errors and Warnings found in the data, if any, will be shown above the Data Summary panel. Errors are issues that prevent the upload and must be fixed. Warnings are various things that we want to call to your attention to review.
Error and Warning messages that apply at the project level are displayed just below the counts. Error and Warning messages that apply to specific columns in the data are displayed within the corresponding element in the Data Summary panel.
Uploading to an existing project
When uploading data to an existing project, in addition to these new features, you will also see Warnings for metadata fields that don’t match between the project and the data being uploaded.
Search: Advanced Concept Search becomes universal default
We released Advanced Concept Search in version 2.3 in May 2020 as a user-selectable option to enhance the Daylight search experience.
With this release, Advanced Concept Search will become the default search option. The toggle switch on the Settings page will continue to be available for users to explicitly select the desired search option. Any User who had previously set a preference on the Settings page will be unaffected and continue to see their selected search option. Users can set a search preference by opening Settings from the dropdown next to their username in the top right, using the toggle at the bottom of the User profile tab, and clicking Save changes.
If you have questions about this change, please contact or your Luminoso CSM.
Sidebar: Tabs move to top of sidebar
With this release, we move the sidebar tabs to the top of the sidebar to maximize real estate in the app. We also exchanged the order of the Configure visualization and Filter documents tabs.
Sidebar: Streamlined shared concept list management
With this release, we streamline the UI for shared concept list management.
All shared concept list management tools are now grouped under the same expandable section
Now, to rename a list, you must click the rename pencil button next to the list name before you can enter any text
The delete button is now located next to next to the rename button:
Sidebar: Improved layout for Configure visualization tab
With this release, we add some layout changes to the Configure visualization tab that help make it easier to use, both on its own, and in relation to the rest of Daylight. Now, the tab:
Displays the Number of concepts dropdown to the right of the label.
Always displays the Number of concepts value.
Includes a link to the Active concepts tab below the Active Concepts selector.
Includes a link to the Filter documents tab below the Unique to this filter selector.
Single sidebar: Search details tab now sorts concepts by prevalence
With this release, the Search details tab now shows concepts sorted by their prevalence when the search box is empty. Prevalence is the term Luminoso uses to describe a concept’s occurrence in a dataset compared to how often we’d expect the concept to occur in the language of analysis as a whole.
For example, if the word “tree” shows up 1/1000 times in English language samples generally, but surfaces 200/1000 times in a Daylight project, it’s highly prevalent, even if it’s not the top most-used word in the project. As a measure, prevalence helps surface unique insights faster than a count that only used volume.
Sidebar: Filters display more values
Typically, when you go to the Filter tab in the sidebar and expand one of the filters, you will see a list of the selectable options, such as with the “overall score” filter here.
When there are a large number of possible values in a filter, a search box is presented instead of a list, such as with the “style” filter here.
The threshold for going from a list to the search box has been changed from 30 to 100. Now, for any filter containing 100 or fewer options, the selectable values will be shown in a list.
Drivers: Updated viewable drivers selection process
With this release, we change the way you select which drivers you see in the Drivers scatterplot. Previously, you could use the selection options and eye icons in the Concepts tab of Drivers to select which drivers displayed in the scatterplot.
Now, use the Configure visualization and Active concept tabs to determine which concepts you’ll see in Drivers.
If you’re using Autosuggest, you can select 10, 20, or 50 AI-identified drivers to view. Otherwise, select Active concepts to use your list of active concepts or a copy of a shared concept list. When you add or remove concepts in your active concept list, the change is immediately reflected in Drivers.
Drivers: Dots displayed using Active Concept colors
When visualizing Drivers with Active Concepts, the dots are now displayed using the colors from the Concept definition.
Project management: Completed build opens project immediately
In response to client feedback, we’ve updated the project build page to take you directly to a new project once it’s done building.
Project management: Minor layout changes on Projects page
Minor layout changes have been made to the Projects page to make better use of real estate.
Highlights: Updated locations for project management buttons
With this release, we remove the Project details card from Highlights, and change some of the actions you could take there into new buttons for:
Upgrade science (only available when your science is not up-to-date)
Upload more
Copy project
Delete project
Additionally, you can now find some of the project details previously stored in the card in the footer.
Settings: Settings page now accessible only from the upper right corner
With this release, the Settings page is now only accessible from the upper right corner, under your username. This also means that the “Project” hyperlink with a downward facing arrow was removed. Now, open the Projects page by clicking the Luminoso icon in the top ribbon .
Settings: Updated organization of sidebar
Now, the settings page navigation is organized into Personal settings, Team settings, and Support sections to help you navigate more easily.
We also added more documentation links to the Support section.
Science: Improvements to sentiment calculation speed
With this release, we introduce improvements to our Sentiment science that helps Daylight calculate sentiment data more quickly when rebuilding a project.
API Updates
API: Updates to Shared concept list endpoints
We made some updates to the Shared concept list API endpoints.
Now, you can use "overwrite" as a parameter for the "Create shared concept list" endpoint. Read more in the Create shared concept list section of the API documentation.
You can also add "name" as an option for concept_list selector. You can read more about this option in the Concept selector section of the API documentation.
API: Formatting improvements for concept list names
With this release, we add an improvement that strips white space from concept list names. Additionally, blank concept list names are no longer permitted in the API.
Sentiment: The read more toggle no longer turns off if you scroll down or move your mouse away
Now, the Read more toggle in Sentiment no longer turns off if you scroll down or move your mouse away.
Sentiment: Export option is no longer available for projects without sentiment analysis
Daylight no longer offers the option to export projects that don’t include sentiment analysis, since there is no information to export.
Filters: Displays more accurate message when a filter is too small
We improved an error message that appeared when filter selections resulted in too few verbatim to display any concepts. The new message reads:
"The documents in the current filter don't have enough concepts to display. Try changing or clearing the filter."
Account management: SAML users no longer have issues accepting invitations to Daylight
SAML users were having problems accepting invitations, due to a problem on the backend. This bug is fixed.
API: 500 error bug resolved
The API was returning a 500 error when it encountered a concept_list concept selector that had a bad ID.
Now, it returns a 400 INVALID_PARAM, the standard error when an invalid parameter is supplied to the API.
API Deprecations
API: v4 Token management endpoints removed
With this release, the v4 API endpoints related to token management for which a deprecation notice was provided as part of the 3.1 release have been removed.
For more details, please refer to the deprecation notice in the release notes for the 3.1 release.
API: v4 SAML endpoints removed
With this release, the /api/v4/saml endpoints have been removed and have been replaced with the same functionality through /api/saml endpoints.
API: All v4 endpoints are now marked as deprecated
With this release, all v4 API endpoints are marked as deprecated. These endpoints will be removed as of the Q3 2021 release. As of this release, all v4 functionality is duplicated in the v5 API, with the exception of:
"Log in" and "Log out". These endpoints do not have v5 equivalents, since the Luminoso API Client allows you to log in for long enough to get a permanent API token. After you get a permanent API token, you don’t need to log in again.
We recommend transitioning any v4 use to the equivalent v5 endpoints. Read about any remaining v4 functionality and how you can replicate it in v5 in the v4 API documentation.
Explore the v5 API functionality in the API documentation.
API: exact_only parameter removed
With this release, we remove the exact_only parameter from the API. It was initially marked for deprecation a year ago.
API Client: v4 API client is no longer available
With this release, the v4 API client is no longer available for download. This announcement comes in conjunction with the deprecation notice for all remaining V4 endpoints.