Daylight | Cloud | 2019-08-17

Daylight | Cloud | 2019-08-17


  • Sentiment: Now offering Polish language 

  • Drivers: Scatterplot y-axis is now Average Score

  • A new version of the API client is now released to PyPI

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Sentiment: Now offering Polish language

The Sentiment feature in Luminoso Daylight now natively supports the Polish language.

Drivers: Scatterplot y-axis is now Average Score

The Drivers feature in Daylight understands words and phrases and correlates them to scores, so teams can quickly implement fixes and improvements. Now, the y-axis of the scatterplot provides a clearer picture of what’s happening: concepts are plotted at their individual average scores, versus the dashed line representing the overall average score of the dataset.

Concepts with a higher average score than the overall average score are in blue. Concepts with a lower average score than the overall average score are in red. Selecting or hovering over a concept provides an updated tooltip, displaying the concept’s difference from the overall average score.

Likewise, the “What issues are affecting my score?” card in Highlights is updated to reflect concept average scores, versus the overall average score.

New version of the API client is released to PyPI

Please use the command pip install luminoso-api to access the latest version of the API client. The command from luminoso_api import LuminosoClient will provide the v5 API by default. The new version automatically pulls forward your old API tokens when connecting to daylight.luminoso.com.


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