Daylight | Cloud | 2020-06-20
Search: If a search query includes only stopwords, now no results are returned
Search: Search results now highlight exact matches rather than a conceptual match collocation
API: Long-lived tokens no longer disappear when signing in with a mixed-case username
Project management: Projects are no longer inaccessible if a saved concept includes only stopwords
If a search query includes only stopwords, now no results are returned
When projects are created, Daylight ignores some words. These are usually stopwords, meaning that they do not hold significance for linguistic analysis. Previously, if you searched for a word that did not qualify as a concept in Daylight, the search results would display all documents. Now, the search returns no results.
Search results now highlight exact matches rather than a conceptual match collocation
Previously, the search results for a single concept in Daylight, like “cherry,” might highlight a conceptual match, like “tart cherries,” in the search results. Now, a concept like “cherry” is appropriately highlighted as an exact match, and “tart cherries” is displayed as a conceptual match.
Long-lived tokens no longer disappear when signing in with mixed-case username
Previously, a user who signed in with a mixed-case username (not all lowercase) experienced long-lived API tokens disappearing only a few hours after they were created. Because the capitalization between the user’s ID in the database and in the API tokens didn’t match, the tokens were deleted. Now, token lookups are case-insensitive.
Projects are no longer inaccessible if a saved concept includes only stopwords
Previously, if a saved concept includes only stopwords (which might occur if a user entered words that Daylight did not recognize as a concept into the search bar and then saved it) a project was not accessible. Now, the project can be explored as usual.
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