Daylight | Cloud | 2019-12-07

Daylight | Cloud | 2019-12-07

Science Update

  • QuickLearn 2.0


  • Edit saved concepts


  • Daylight sessions time out after 60 minutes of inactivity

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QuickLearn 2.0

With this release, Luminoso introduces QuickLearn 2.0 to all Daylight Cloud users. This major improvement to Luminoso’s science includes improved handling of social bias in datasets and an expansion from 150 to 300 dimensions for word embeddings. Now, your projects display major improvements in conceptual matching and handling of possible social biases. 

All new Daylight projects are now built using QuickLearn 2.0. Add documents to existing projects to take advantage of QuickLearn 2.0 science. Additionally, any project you haven’t used for 6 months will be automatically upgraded to QuickLearn 2.0. 

As part of QuickLearn 2.0, you’ll see: 

  • Updated conceptual matches — As a result of strengthened conceptual matching, you will see more intuitive and a higher number of conceptual matches for concepts in Daylight. 

  • Improved language support — QuickLearn 2.0 expands the starting vocabulary across the 15 languages Luminoso supports. This change improves accuracy in especially non-English languages and in our classification offering, Compass.

  • More precise conceptual match scores — QuickLearn 2.0 contains a larger semantic space, so concepts may be farther apart, resulting in lower concept association scores. This change is especially visible in the Volume feature. 

  • Updated look to the Galaxy — The Galaxy feature is a two-dimensional representation of Daylight’s semantic space. Since the space is now larger and concepts are more related, the Galaxy now appears more round. 

  • Improved score drivers — Changes to conceptual matches affect the rank of suggested drivers and a concept’s average score calculations. Overall, analysis will be more accurate.

  • Reduced bias — Enhanced understanding significantly decreases the risk of bias in natural language understanding (NLU) results, especially for categories protected from discrimination.

Edit saved concepts

With this release, you can edit your saved concepts in all analysis features. Now, the process for editing concepts in Galaxy is the same as in Volume, Sentiment, and Drivers.

 Select a saved concept and click edit  in the Concept details pane to access the Edit saved concept flyout. In this flyout, you can:

  • Edit a concept’s name and color

  • Create and edit compound concepts

To take action in the Edit saved concept flyout: 

  • Click the or anywhere outside the flyout to exit without saving changes. 

  • Pick an option from the Color menu to change a concept’s color. 

  • Type into the text field and click Save to edit a concept’s name. 

  • Search a concept’s name in the Add concepts field and click Add to add concepts to a new or existing compound concept. The concept appears below the Add concepts text box.

  • Click the x next to a concept’s name in the editor to remove it from a compound concept. The concept disappears.

To delete a saved concept, click the delete icon next to the saved concept’s name.

Daylight sessions time out after 60 minutes

With this release, Daylight sessions time out after 60 minutes of inactivity. Before, Daylight sessions expired after 14 days of inactivity. This change promotes security best practices.

If you require longer access, you can generate a long-lived token for API calls using the Daylight interface on the API Tokens page under User Settings. Long-lived tokens do not expire and can be removed or changed at any time. 

If you forget your password after your session has timed out, click the forgot password link and check your email for a message from provisioning@luminoso.com. If the email doesn’t appear in your inbox, check your spam folder. 

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