Settings page guide
In 2019, Luminoso redesigned account handling in Daylight. This included clarifying roles and permissions, better password rules, more secure API token management and more intuitive management overall. For returning users, this update replaces “accounts” with “workspaces,” and introduces “organizations.” Workspaces allow users in organizations to have permission levels for each workspace.
The new Settings page combines the former User Settings page and former Account Settings page. Admins can use the options on the Settings page to ensure that Daylight organizations, workspaces, and user accounts are running smoothly. Depending on your organization role, you may not have access to all the options displayed here. Check out our Roles and actions in Daylight page to find out what actions are possible for each role.
With this infrastructure change, you can set up separate workspaces so that users only see as much data as they need. For instance, one user in an organization may need to create projects in one workspace, but only has to view data in another. Now, you also can create as many long-lived API tokens for authenticating integrations as you need. Tokens are only visible immediately after creation.
Table of contents
Actions you can take on the Settings page
User profile:
Change your name
Update your password
Select a different default workspace
Create and manage API tokens
View and manage your organization's users
Change user permissions
View and manage your organization's users
Change user permissions
Add new users to a workspace
View your document usage within a billing period
To open the Settings page
Access the Settings page by clicking either the dropdown caret next to Projects in the top ribbon or the one next to your username at the top right of the page and selecting Settings from the menu. The Settings page opens.
Navigate to your desired section of the Settings pages with the Settings side navigation bar.
User Profile
Note: All Daylight users can view this tab and make changes. If you were a Daylight customer before May 23, 2020, you can toggle on Advanced Concept Search on this tab. If you started using Daylight after May 23, 2020, you do not have access to this toggle.
On the User Profile tab, you can:
View the email associated with your Luminoso account
View and change your full name in Daylight
View and change your default workspace for creating new projects.
View Advanced Concept Search activation information, and turn Advanced Concept Search off or on. This option is only available to customers who used Daylight before May 23, 2020,
To make changes on the User profile tab
Type in the Full name field to change the name that displays there.
Use the Default workspace menu to change your default Daylight workspace.
Click Save changes to save any changes you made.
Change Password
Note: All Daylight users can view this tab and make changes.
Use the Change password tab to manage your password information.
To reset your password
Check the guidelines on the page. At the time of this release, your Luminoso Daylight password must be at least eight characters long and must not match your username.
Enter your old password.
Enter and confirm your new password.
Click Reset password. A success notification banner appears. You also receive an updated password email.
Note: Only Organization Admins and Workspace Admins can view this tab. Only Organization Admins can make changes.
If you have the Organization Admin role, use the Organization tab to view and manage the the users in your organization and their roles. You can also create workspaces here. Workspace Admins can also view this tab.
When you open the Organization tab, you immediately see the organization name and the administrators for the organization. If you’re an Organization Admin, click edit to update your organization’s name and then click Save or Cancel to complete your action.
Any role that you update on the Organization tab will provide the same permissions across to the user universally across workspaces. As a best practice, assign roles at the workplace level. This helps keep roles distinct and separate. Sort the user list using the arrows next to column headings.
To edit users on the Organization tab
Locate the user or users you want to edit and select them by clicking anywhere in their row. The row turns blue and a check mark appears by the user’s full name.
Click Delete to delete the selected users from the organization.
Note: When you delete a user from an organization, they are also removed from all workspaces.Click Edit to update the selected users’ roles. A window appears where you edit roles.
Click Save or Exit to close.
To create a workspace
Make sure you’re on the Organization tab and click Create a workspace. A Create a new workspace window opens.
Enter a name for your workspace and click Create workspace. The window displays a success message.
Open the new workspace using the link or by navigating to the Workspace tab in the Settings menu.
Note: All Daylight users can view this tab. Only Organization Admins and Workspace Admins can manage this tab.
Use the Workspace tab to view and manage users in your organization. Only Workspace Admins or Organization Admins can edit users on this page.
Any user can sort the user lists using the arrows next to column headings.
To edit workspace preferences
Use the Switch your workspace menu to select the workspace you want to manage.
Click edit to update your workspace's name. When you’re done, click Save or Cancel to complete your action.
Note: This option is only available to workspace or organization admins.
To edit users on the Workspace tab
Make sure you are in the workspace you want to manage.
Locate the users you want to edit and click anywhere in their row to select them. The row turns blue and a check mark appears by the user’s full name.
Click Delete to delete the selected users from the workspace.
Note: When you delete a user from a workspace, they are not deleted from the organization.Click Edit to update the selected users’ roles. A window appears where you can edit roles.
Edit the roles as desired and click Save or Exit to close the window. You can also click anywhere outside the window to exit without saving changes.
To create a workspace
On the Workspace tab, open the workspace you want to delete with the Switch your workspace menu.
Click Delete this workspace. A confirmation window appears.
Review the deletion information. When you’re sure you want to delete the workspace, click Yes, delete workspace. The workspace is deleted and you are returned to your default workspace.
Note: If you delete your default workspace, you are returned to the first workspace in an alphabetical list of your workspaces. If you want a new default workspace, you must update your preferences in the User profile tab.
Usage tab
Note: Only Organization Admins and Workspace Admins can view this tab.
If your role is Workspace Admin or higher, use the Usage tab to view information about:
Documents uploaded per billing period, or all usage by month
Total document usage for your organization
Total document usage for your workspace(s)
Document limit
Percentage of your document limit you’ve used
Monthly breakdown of document usage
Refunds applies to your account
Change the billing period displayed using the See another billing period menu. If available, view alternate organizations using the Switch your organization menu.
To view workspace-specific usage information, expand the monthly rows. Optionally, sort the Month and Document usage columns using the arrows.
Note: All Daylight users can view this tab.
Use the Tokens tab to create tokens that authenticate your requests to the API. Tokens that you create on this page do not expire, and you can create as many as you need.
As a security best practice, Luminoso recommends that you create a new API token for every new script you write, and delete each token after you are done using it. As an improved security measure, beginning in December 2019, a token’s information displays immediately after you create it, and is not shown again.
To create an API token
Click Create new token. The Create a new API token wizard appears.
Add a token description. This descriptor helps distinguish your API token.
Re-enter your Luminoso Daylight password and click Create token. The window displays a success message and behind it, a new token appears.
Note: Luminoso only shows you this token once, so make sure you copy it successfully before exiting the window.Click copy . If your copy was successful, a green banner appears.
Click Done. The Create a new API token wizard closes.
To delete an API token
Click anywhere on a token row to select the token. The row turns blue and a checkbox appears next to the token description.
After selecting all the tokens you want to delete, click Delete. A dialog box appears.
Click Yes, delete token if you’re ready to delete. The window closes and successful deletion notification appears.