Daylight | Cloud | 2021-06-19

Daylight | Cloud | 2021-06-19

API Updates

  • Removal: All remaining V4 endpoints removed

  • Removal: /concepts/saved/ endpoints and associated components removed

  • Removal: “vector” removed from response on /concepts/ endpoints

  • API Client: new version of API client with 429 error handling

Removal: All remaining V4 endpoints removed

The remaining V4 endpoints which were marked as deprecated with a removal date of June 19, 2021 have been removed. 

Removal: /concepts/saved/ endpoints and associated components removed

The /concepts/saved/ endpoints have been removed. These endpoints were marked as deprecated with a removal date of June 19, 2021 with the release of the Shared Concept List feature and its associated /concepts/shared/ endpoints in November 2020. 

As a result, the option to set the Concept Selector to {“type”: “saved”} and “saved_concept_id” as a way to define a Concept have been removed. 

You can refer to the Concept Selectors and Shared concept lists sections of the API documentation for further details.

If you are still using the /concepts/saved/ endpoints or its associated components and need assistance adapting your scripts or integrations, reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact us at support@luminoso.com.

Removal: “vector” removed from response on /concepts/ endpoints

Previously, concepts returned by the API included a "vector" field with the single vector representing the concept.  With the release of Advanced Concept Search in May 2020,  we had deprecated the "vector" field, and have now removed it. Instead, all concepts include a "vectors" field with an array of vectors.  In cases where a single vector was being returned, this will be a one-element array containing that vector.

API Client: new version of API client with 429 error handling

We have released a new version of our API client in preparation for a release planned on July 3 which will enforce rate limiting on our API endpoints. API rate limiting is common security practice to avert denial of service attacks, as well as to ensure efficient and equitable access to the endpoints. If the rate limit is exceeded, the standard 429 error will be returned. Our API client has been updated to handle 429 errors with automated retries. If you need help in installing the new version of the API client, reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact us at support@luminoso.com.

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