Daylight | Cloud | 2020-08-15
Science version 2.2.1: Improved handling of an English idiom with negation
Sentiment: View an error message when no sentiment suggestions are available
Sentiment: Sentiment concepts default to volume sorting
Sentiment: Sentiment build progress bars update dynamically
Settings: When logged in with SSO, a password is not required to create an API token
Science version 2.2.1: Improved handling of an English idiom with negation
With this release, we update Daylight’s science to better handle an idiomatic English-language construction. Previously, when Daylight encountered a sentence with the word “could” followed by a comparative adjective, like “I couldn’t be happier!” it the resulting concept would be parsed as “not|en happy|en.”
English speakers understand that this phrase means it’s not possible to be more satisfied and is a positive construction, but Daylight interpreted it as a negative construction.
Now, when Daylight encounters a construction like “I couldn’t be happier!” it categorizes “could not” as a stopword, which is not included in analysis, and correctly parses the words as “happy|en.”
This change only affects English-language projects.
View an error message when no sentiment suggestions are available
Occasionally, Daylight projects may contain no sentiment suggestions. There are a few reasons this might happen, but this is most likely to occur in very small projects or projects that contain a high amount of boilerplate text.
When a Daylight project has no sentiment suggestions, an error message displays on the What do people feel strongly about? card in Highlights and in the Sentiment feature’s sentiment suggestions view.
We do not recommend creating Daylight projects with datasets that contain fewer than 300 verbatims. Read our article on Formatting your data for more information on best practices for Daylight uploads.
Sentiment concepts default to volume sorting
With this release, the suggested sentiment concepts in the Sentiment feature now default to sorting by volume, or number of exact matches, rather than by negativity. This produces a more mixed at-a-glance view of a project’s sentiment data.
Use the arrows next to Negative matches and Positive matches to sort sentiment concepts by strength of sentiment type.
Sentiment build progress bars update dynamically
Now, when you open the Sentiment feature as Daylight is analyzing a project’s sentiment, the progress bar you see on that page updates dynamically, without requiring you to reload the page.
When logged in with SSO, a password is not required to create an API token
Before, Daylight prompted users who were logged in to Daylight with their organizations’ SSO for a password when the user used the Settings page to create a long-lived API token.
Now, users who are connected to SSO don’t need to enter a password to create a long-lived API token.